Solid Concrete Special Cement
Solid CONCRETE SPECIAL is a composite cement manufactured as per IS 16415. It is a new variety of cement introduced in the market, mainly to benefit the customers by offering various application advantages over other cements. Since it is manufactured by mixing Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) and Fly Ash (FA), it has the beneficial properties of both Portland Slag Cement (PSC) and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC).
Solid CONCRETE SPECIAL Cement in comparison to other cements exhibits high durability and high strength in harsh environment. The excellent properties make this the preferred choice of cement for all types of residential and infrastructure projects. It is very useful where concrete is exposed to harsh chemicals such as waste water treatment and marine applications.
Benefits of Solid Concrete Special Cement Page

Good Compressive

satisfactory durability characteristics

higher grade

Suitability for General Construction
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